Coley K Photography is a family photographer in Asheville, North Carolina specializing in organic moments, natural light and timeless imagery. All clothing for families is provided by the studio wardrobe.
If you’re looking for a family photographer in Asheville, North Carolina for your fall photos, contact me. I have a couple spots left for photos in October and November. All sessions are scheduled an hour before sunset. This allows for the beautiful glowing light you see in these images.
what makes me different?
Studio Wardrobe
I know for me, the prospect of figuring out what to wear when investing in family photos is challenging. Because of this, I’ve set up a “Studio Wardrobe.” This means I have a curated clothing line available for moms, babies, kids and dads for you to choose from for your portraits.
Natural Posing
Another thing that I know stresses people out is kids and dads getting weary of having their photos taken. Because of this, I try to move fast and make then session as lighthearted and quick as possible so you get a good amount of photos expressing real emotion and connection without having to drain everyone. This little guy said in the car on the way home that he wanted to come back!
Prints + Digitals
Finally, while I want you to have the ability to have a digital record of your photos, I don’t want that to be the only thing you have. My daughter is 18 months old. She has a little album of photos from the day she was born. She loves looking at them- pointing at grandparents, turning the pages, carrying it around the house. We have framed photos of the three of us hanging in our home and she gets to see them every day when she wakes up in the morning. I want you to have beautiful albums to display on your coffee table, gift to grandparents and pass down as family heirlooms and for you to decorate your home with images that show love and light and show your children they belong.
Family Photographer in Asheville, NC
One of the things I love about living in Asheville, NC is the different seasons we get to experience. Taking photos in June is going to look very different then November! This same field that has wildflowers in August, has golden grass in October. I love the beauty and simplicity it offers. I love the way the light comes through the trees as the sun sets. I’ve chosen it especially for how the light is as the sun sets here and the tall grass and how it allows the focus to be on family love.

If you’re looking for a family photographer in Asheville, North Carolina, I’d love to chat. Take a look at my work, read about the experience and contact me for booking!