I visited my hometown, Tallahassee, last year for the first time in many years. I was visiting for an old friend from high school’s baby shower. While I was there I took photos of another friend and her new baby...
Welcome Francis Helen | Clean and Timeless Newborn Photography| Asheville Newborn Photographer
This newborn session has made me fall in love with newborn photography. No lie. This was the best thing ever. Francis was so sweet and adorable. As an Asheville photographer, I have had so many opportunities to capture really amazing scenes. I get to take couples to mountain tops like Black Balsam Knob and Max Patch and families to places like the Biltmore. But nothing really compares to taking photos of a little newborn baby in their natural habitat, their new home.
Its been almost a year since my daughter was a newborn. I look at her and at Francis and am in awe. Its incredible to watch a sweet little newborn transform into an opinionated little child with things that make her angry and things that make her laugh. I’ve been in love with every stage of my daughter’s first year of life, and there’s so many things I look forward to doing with her like teaching her to swim and going camping and reading her a book that isn’t made out of cardboard. But taking pictures of Francis reminded me of when she smelled perfect and she would sleep through dogs barking and her tightly closed fists
I hope that these photos will bring back the sweetness of the first couple weeks of life for Francis’s family when once crawling all over the house trying to eat toys, once she’s learning to ride a bike, and once she’s old enough to wear makeup. That’s the beauty of photography. You can’t keep them little forever. It’d be a shame to try (every new stage is so exciting) but you can remember when they were little for forever.