Are Pregnancy Photos Worth it? Let’s face it. You can’t do everything. There’s not time. Everyone must make personal choices about what is “worth it” to them.
I’m going to be honest. With my first child, I was working full time. I was very sick. I did want maternity photos, but I didn’t actually want to go through the trouble of having them done. With my second, it was even lower down the priority list. However! I had a photographer friend who really wanted to do a trade. She was pregnant too and wanted photos. So I agreed.
Everything went horribly wrong. It was December (3 weekends before my due date but turned out to be just the week before I gave birth!) and very cold. The leaves had all fallen off the trees. The sun set really early in the afternoon. And then to top it all off, when I awoke my 2 year old daughter from her nap to go take photos, she was inconsolable with an earache! She had an ear infection. Did she have one when she went down from her nap? No, I don’t believe so. Did she have one the next day? Nope. Just when we needed to take photos. Of Course.
So we lugged her and her poor ear out into the cold, mountain air for maternity photos that I was pretty ambivalent about having. And we took some pictures. And she basically cried the whole time. Literally didn’t smile once. Did it feel worth it? No.
But there were so many things in that moment we didn’t know. We didn’t know whether our baby was to be a boy or a girl. We didn’t know it was our last weekend “just the three of us.” We didn’t know what that baby would be like. How active and precocious he’d become. How he’d have a crazy southern drawl anytime he said “bay-ad.” We didn’t know we’d be making plans to move away from those mountains just 2 years later. We didn’t know about his adorable, deep raspy voice. We didn’t know his name would be Alban George and that we’d call him by both. We had no idea how much we’d love him.
My tiny 2 year old is snuggled in close to me and my pregnant belly and my husband with his face in close to ours. Now, 3 years later, one of those photos hangs up in my home. And I love it. It’s full of the magic and mystery of pregnancy. A tiny human hidden grows. And you love that unseen being. But it’s like a seed of love that grows and blossoms as your child grows and you grow to know them and all their little idiosyncrasies. I love that boy. And I love that picture of us all huddled around him, not knowing a single thing about him. The picture contains the hidden boy and the already-but not yet love we have for him.
Are Pregnancy Photos worth is? Yes. Emphatically Yes.
I’m always ready to help you have a memorable experience and photos that stand the test of time. Visit here to learn about maternity photos.